Our FAQ's

A load of frequently asked questions

Do you offer payment plans?

Are you accepting new clients?

Do you do home visits?

What are your opening hours?

How long is a vet consultation? Can I bring both my pets at once?

Do you offer puppy school?

What animals do you treat?

Is it worth getting pet insurance?

My pet is very anxious when coming to the vet. Will the staff be able to help them relax?

How much does it cost to get my dog desexed?

Do I need an appointment?

Why do I need to see the vet before my pet can have more medication?

Can I see the same veterinarian every time?

Why do you check my pets weight every time we come in?

Does my pet need to be in a carrier?

Do I need to vaccinate my pet?

Do you offer puppy and kitten healthcare plans?

Where are my pet's vaccination records held?

Emergency Out of Hours Clinic

At the Vets is a member of the Christchurch After Hours Veterinary Clinic.
You are welcome to use the After Hours clinic if there is an emergency with your pet at any time that At the Vets is closed. After Hours will forward us your pet’s treatment history so we can continue their care.

The After Hours Veterinary Clinic telephone number is

03 366 1052

The After Hours clinic is located at 146 Antigua Street, Christchurch.
(on the Disraeli Street corner)

Our opening times

Monday to Friday 8.00am – 7.00pm
Saturday 9.00am – 3.00pm
Sundays and Public Holidays Closed